You might not wanna walk the woods alone anymore…

Wytches 002-000

I’m big on reading stories that give me chills. I enjoy the rush of adrenaline that comes with the feeling that something is behind you. Also I like a story that doesn’t follow the normal tropes, a story where you can’t guess what is going to happen next. Well this is exactly what I get from Scott Snyder and Jock’s Wytches. I had heard about it from one of my favorite podcasts iFanboy, where the first 2 issues have been pick of the week. I really wanted something to give me the same feel as Locke and Key. Wytches did that. The story seems to be following a young girl named Sailor Rook who is trying to get past some event that has happened to her. The event involved a bully and something that seemed to cause her family to want to watch over her also uprooting themselves to a new place. Part of what let me know that this series is going to take a different look at the genre of horror, if it is even going fully there, is that witches are not “witches” in the normal sense. From what I am gathering in the first two issues things involve a pledge. The mother seems to be involved in this some how also.

The art adds to the feeling of the story. It has a gritty feel but beautiful in nature. The art harkens to a feel to the genre but at same time it could be an illustration for a slice of life book. Of course that not what this is. The pages also have a feel that the book is older. The pages have ink splotches and a worn look. This adds to the feel. Each time I turned to another page I felt like the scene was going along and the anticipation of something happening was coming. I felt immersed into the next part. I picked up the first two issues and read them in one sitting. Currently issue 2 has just been released, I do suggest a read. If your not a horror reader that fine. This book does more of holding you in suspense and turning things on its head. I came into reading Scott Snyder thanks to Batman and Swamp Thing, this brings me in thoughts of some of his more suspenseful arcs in those books. I say this is a must read.

Wytches 001-006

Images Comics: Wytches

Scott Snyder on Twitter

Jock on Twitter

Series was mentioned on episode 2 of our podcast UserFriendly; Rated G…check us out online or on iTunes

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